Hayes & Coney Hall Ward - Book Stall 6th June 2015 Noon to 4.00pm Venue: Hayes Fair Baston House School Baston Rd Hayes BR2 7AB Donations of books sought. Contact: Roger Manning c/o 020 8658 9444
Hayes & Coney Hall - Quiz Night 29th May 2015 7.30 pm for 7.45 pm Venue: The Assembly Rooms Gates Green Road Coney Hall BR4 9JW Tickets: £12.50 (to include a fish & chip supper) Tables of 6. Please brink your own drink & glasses. Contact: Len Tutt c/o 020 8658 9444
Copers Cope Ward - Garden Party 17th May 2015 1.00 pm Venue:The home of Stephen & Carol Wells* 89D Albemarle Road Beckenham BR3 5HP Tickets: £15.00 to include drinks Contact: Geraldine Mellor c/o 020 8658 9444