- Supporting people from all backgrounds to gain the skills they need to climb the ladder of opportunity is crucial to building a world-class skills nation as the Conservative Government grows the economy.
- That is why the Conservative Government is investing £48 million through the Skills Injection Fund to boost the rollout of Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs), equipping students with the skills needed to secure well-paying jobs, as well as investing £140 million to transform school facilities.
- Widening access to HTQs and investing in our schools are crucial parts of the Conservative Government’s plan to spread opportunity to every part of the UK as we grow the economy.
Councillor Kate Lymer, Bromley Councils Portfolio Holder for Children, Education & Families has welcomed the Conservative Government’s £48 million investment through the Skills Investment Fund, boosting the rollout of Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) and equipping students from all backgrounds with the high-quality, higher-level skills needed to secure well-paying jobs.
Alongside the Conservative Government’s £48 million skills investment, more than 40 schools and colleges will receive a share of £140 million to transform their facilities, including Bromley College of Further and Higher Education.
This Conservative Government investment into our schools and colleges will transform facilities, meeting demographic increases in young people aged 16 to 19, including building more classroom space or technical teaching facilities, so more students have access to high quality learning environments.
This further funding for high quality school and college facilities builds on the Conservative Government’s Schools Rebuilding Programme which is transforming 500 schools across the UK, providing new educational facilities for pupils, with 400 projects announced so far.
Commenting, Kate said:
“I am delighted that Bromley College has been selected as one of the 44 schools that will receive direct Conservative Government funding for new educational facilities.
“It is fantastic to see yet more Conservative investment in our children’s future here in Bromley, providing a modern, safe and high quality place to learn for every pupil.
“Only the Conservatives are delivering more opportunities and a brighter future for families in every part of the United Kingdom.”
Commenting, Minister for Skills, Apprenticeships and Higher Education Robert Halfon said:
“Supporting people from all backgrounds to embark on high-quality technical courses, armed with the skills they need to climb the ladder of opportunity, is crucial to building a world-class skills nation.
“Boosting funding to support the delivery of Higher Technical Qualifications and ensuring that schools and colleges have the space they need to provide all students with top notch training is an essential to achieving parity of esteem with traditional degrees and plugging skills gaps in key sectors.”