At the latest Full Council, Bromley Conservatives have shown the contrast between a record of delivery and opposition parties who want to scaremonger and play politics.
Conservative-led Bromley Council approved two major steps to addressing some of the major issues faced by residents. By approving the latest Capital Monitoring Programme, Bromley has confirmed releasing monies for constructing new affordable housing at the Bellegrove site in St. Pauls Cray, as well as the funding needed to purchase a new children’s home within the Borough.
The moves to approve the site at Bellegrove continue Bromley’s strong progress on it’s ‘Bromley Homes for Bromley people’ programme, which has built new homes across the Borough - with a focus on affordable units - whilst protecting Bromley’s precious Green Belt.
The move to purchase a new Children’s home will see Bromley bring some residential care for children looked after with complex needs in-house, making sure some of our most vulnerable residents are provided with secure homes in Borough and saving the Council significant funds as a result of not contracting these services to private operators.
This also came as Portfolio Holders celebrated successes in other areas, with Cllr Will Rowlands noting that there had been a 68% fall in large-scale fly-tipping over the last year, whilst Cllr Yvonne Bear announced the Borough would bid for grant funding to purchase 50 new affordable homes.
This record of delivery is in strong contrast to moves by Bromley Labour to scaremonger some of the most vulnerable residents in the Borough, through a motion which attempted to undermine the work done by the Safer Bromley Partnership to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). Cllr Angela Page, Portfolio Holder for Public Protection and Enforcement, noted that Bromley has the fourth lowest rates of domestic abuse in London, and that now funding for efforts to tackle the issue had been guaranteed for the next 4 years, Bromley Council would look to further strengthen it’s response to tackling this crucial issue.
Cllr. Colin Smith, Leader of Bromley Conservatives, said:
“Tonight was yet another clear example of the contrast between Bromley Conservatives, who are delivering for residents, and Opposition parties who are reduced to scaremongering vulnerable residents.
“I’m proud that we are delivering even more affordable housing through the Bellegrove site in St. Paul’s Cray, as well as securing some of our most vulnerable resident’s future in-Borough through providing a new care home.
“This is in stark contrast to Bromley Labour, who have shamlessly tried to scaremonger vulnerable women in our Borough. We have always taken the strongest possible action to prevent violence against women and girls - and Labour’s bizarre motion sets that crucial progress backwards.
“Residents can always rely on Bromley Conservatives to take the responsible, competent and future-facing decisions to keep Bromley as London’s Best Borough.”