Diane has lived in the Borough since 1967. A former pupil of Balgowan Primary and Langley Park Grammar School for Girls, Diane qualified as a physiotherapist from the Royal London Hospital in 1981 and worked locally in the NHS for 27 years.
Diane brings this local knowledge and skill set to her current role as the Executive Member and Portfolio Holder for Adult Care Services including Housing and Public Health. She is also a member of the Health and Wellbeing Board and sits as the Local Authority representative on the Bromley CCG Governing Body meetings.
Diane was first elected to serve as a Councillor for Kelsey and Eden Park Ward in 2010 and since that time has always been keen to serve residents dealing with issues as diverse as homelessness/housing, environmental issues such as missed bin collections. parking disputes and all Council functions in between.
Diane has worked with a local business in the Eden Park area to secure funding to help revitalise the Eden Park shopping parade and has also secured a £17,500 grant contribution from Bromley Council's Community Fund in support of the development of a new horticultural hall at Abbots Way Leisure Gardens which she opened in August 2017.
Diane also represents Kelsey and Eden Park Ward on the Police’s Safer Neighbourhood panel.